Note: Occasionally, we at MVP find articles or videos that we believe are worth sharing. Although we may find the content entertaining or informational but the opinions and information shared is that of the original author, not MVP or Dr. McDermott.

As more and more people are moving to rural areas and diving headfirst into their dream of owning land and a farm, no matter how big or small their dream, it reminds us to consider that we all started somewhere and none of us were born with the knowledge of a seasoned rancher. (Although I must say some of these kids today are sharp and know their way around the family farm from an early age!) There are more families homeschooling today as well and this gives the kids the opportunities to be entrenched in the goings on of a farm from an early age. With each of these scenarios in mind, we feel this article can offer some basic facts that can help those just beginning their farming journey no matter their age.

Read the article, Are All Cows Female here.

(Article written by Elijah for Christian Homesteading)

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
— Matthew 6:26

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